Spirit Arrow is out!

That’s right. My latest album, Spirit Arrow, is officially out! With a couple new originals and a few new remixes, it’s the latest and greatest of my signature dreamy chill-out music.

Stream below, or check out one of these links. Enjoy.


I know it has been a while since my last blog post. Long story short, my time as a full time music producer is nearing an end, as I am now looking for “real” jobs. It’s been a wild ride, but I’m ready for more stability, both financially and emotionally.

But fear not. I will never stop making music.

Anthony / Trazer

P.S. If my music speaks to you, please consider contributing $1 per month on Patreon. You support means the world to me, and I love you.

P.P.S. If you like this album, drop a nice review on iTunes or comment on Soundcloud!

P.P.P.S. Do you want to hear more tracks like these? Let me know!

Photo credit to my awesome uncle Tony.

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Serenity is out!

June 14, 2018

Hey! I’m proud to announce the release of a brand new original track, Serenity. It is epic, dreamy, ambient, melodic, and uplifting.

Serenity was inspired by a meditative experience in the Arizona desert. A few months ago, a friend and I rented a little trailer in the middle of nowhere. We spent the sunny afternoon meditating, doing yoga, and simply basking in the serene stillness of the desert. The sun set over the mountains, and the beautiful day transitioned into a glorious night, complete with a stunning view of our milky way galaxy. In a world where things feel like they’re moving at ludicrous speed, I felt I had slowed down. I felt at peace.

In Serenity, I tried to capture that sense of oneness with nature during my journey that day in the desert. I hope you love it as much as I do. Listen below, or on YouTubeSpotify, or Soundcloud. Now float away.

If you like it, please consider buying it or supporting me on Patreon! If you’re looking for other ways to support my music, please consider writing a good review on iTunes, and telling your friends. A little bit goes a long way.


That is all. Stay tuned. I love you.

Anthony / Trazer

PS. Do you want to hear more tracks like this? Let me know!

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BLAZING is out!

March 25, 2018

Oh hey what’s up. In case you missed it, I recently released a brand new track, BLAZING, on a compilation album by Transcendent Tunes. This is the first time my music has been on a record label, which is kind of a big deal for me. Getting onto a label has been on my to-do list for a long time, and I can finally check that off. Yay!

More than a year in the making, Blazing is a dark, deep, brooding track with chill beats and a gritty epic lead. It’s quite different than my “typical” melodic dreamy stuff. I hope you love it as much as I do. Listen below, or on YouTubeSpotify, or Soundcloud.

If you like it, please consider buying it!
Transcendent Tunes

Do you want to hear more tracks like this? Let me know!

By the way, this track was inspired by my experience at Burning Man. While listening to this track, imagine being out in the middle of the desert, surrounded by nothing but dust. Now picture a giant art car blasting fire into the sky and playing this track incredibly loud. Maybe something like this photo by Galen Oakes.

That is all. Stay tuned. I love you.

Anthony / Trazer

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To my fans, I love you.

February 8, 2018

This post is for my fans. You know who you are. You have sent me the most beautiful and inspiring messages. You have told me how my music has moved you, or inspired you, or helped you in some way. Those messages have meant the world to me. So I started making a scrapbook, where I literally paste in screenshots of nice comments from fans. Whenever I’m feeling down, I just open up the book. Here are a few examples that have truly made my heart feel warm.

I know it might sound cliche, but I would be nothing without you. The last few years have been a ridiculous ride for me. So many highs, so many lows. During those lows, it is YOU who have kept me going. Art can’t exist in a vacuum, at least not for me. I can’t be the only inhabitant of Trazer land. I likely would have given up already, if it weren’t for you.

Every time I start to think I’m never going to make it as an artist, all I have to do is remember that YOU exist. Every time I feel despair about my future in music, I remind myself that I am already successful because YOU exist. That keeps me staying positive, keeps me inspired, and, honestly, keeps me making music. Trazer isn’t JUST me. It’s us. It’s a whole world we can inhabit together. And as more and more people join us in Trazer land, I get more and more inspired and motivated because I can see that something is working. I’m growing. My fan base is growing. But way more important is the fact that YOU exist.

Maybe I’m just insecure, and I need validation. Maybe it’s just my ego that needs inflating. But I think it’s more than that. Before, making music was a hobby. It was fun. But at some point, it started to become something SO much bigger. It became an obsession, and now it has become an obsession that improves peoples’ lives. Or at least, some of you have said that it has. And I believe you. But I also have a hard time believing it. I mean, aren’t I just an amateur artist having fun? At what point does an amateur music producer become a professional? Is it once you start making money? Or is it once you have true fans? I’m not making much money. Not even close to breaking even. In the long run, yes, I need to make money to be able to do this full time. But that’s not why I’m doing this.

In the short term, I’m making music because I love it. Because I want to. Because I NEED to. In the past, this “need” was distracting, to say the least. It led to periods of anxiety and depression, that really interfered with my life, and my day job. Now that I don’t have a day job, things are waaaaay better. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that it’s still up and down.

Anyway, my point is this. My fans have made all the difference in the world. To those of you who continue to message me with supporting words, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Every single time I get a message from a fan, it makes my day. Seriously. I never get tired of hearing from you. My music is my gift to you. If you believe in Trazer, and in the future of Trazer, I want to hear from you. I want to talk to you. I want to know you. I want to meet you. I want to hug you. Because you are the reason I keep making music. I love you. I really do.

Anthony / Trazer

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Happy 60th Birthday, Dad

January 26, 2017

Happy birthday to my incredible father, Kirk.
60 looks great on you.

My dad and I have a lot in common. For one, we both love running. In 2011, I ran my first marathon with him (it was probably his 20th). Then in 2017, I did another one with him at the Redmond Watershed near Seattle. He beat my time by 45 whole minutes. Maybe one day I’ll be in as a good shape as him. Regardless, both races were a powerful bonding experience for us, a real joy, and I hope to do it again.

Wisconsin Marathon, April 2011.

Marathon at Redmond Watershed, near Seattle, August 2017.

I also likely inherited my love for music from my dad. Like me, he’s been playing music his entire life. He was in a band in his early 20’s, and even dropped out of college to move to New York with the band (he later finished his degree and  became a reporter for the New York Times). Upon learning that I was quitting my day job to pursue music, he expressed nothing but encouragement. He did the same thing, after all. It truly makes a world of difference knowing that he and my mom both support my recent career decisions.

Anyway, he exposed me and my brother to music at an incredibly young age, constantly making up silly songs. Fun fact, he wrote a song called “Hiney Piney,” which he would sing to us when he’d change our diapers. TMI?

He also sang Elton John’s “Your Song” in my wedding ceremony. It was so incredibly sung, it brought me (and everyone else) to tears. Music can stir up such powerful emotions. Thanks, Dad, for teaching me that. I love you.

My dad singing “Your Song” at my wedding, 2016.

Anthony / Trazer

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